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ElectricSQL is in public alpha phase.

APIs are not guaranteed to be stable. Backwards incompatible changes may (and will) be introduced in patch, minor and major version releases.

Practical limitations

Key aspects of the system are not fully implemented yet:

  1. Data modelling remove constraints and ensure migrations are additive
  2. DDLX rules limited to electrification
  3. Shapes currently limited to whole table sync

Plus you may encounter failure modes that you need to work around in development

Data modelling

There are a number of fundamental limitations of the local-first model you should be aware of. These have a practical impact on data model support, for example:

In addition, there are a number of limitations of the current implementation that impact data model support:

See Usage -> Data modelling for more information.

DDLX rules

The DDLX rules for permissions, roles, validation or local SQLite commands documented on API -> DDLX are not fully implemented yet. DDLX support is currently limited to electrifying tables using the ENABLE ELECTRIC syntax extension:



Shape-based sync using the sync() function currently supports whole table sync. If the table contains outgoing foreign keys, then all tables that can be transitively reached by following these foreign keys must be part of the shape. There is no support for where clauses to filter the initial target rows or select clauses to filter the include tree. As a result, current calls to db.tablename.sync({...}) will "over sync" additional data onto the device.


There is one temporary feature to filter data onto the local device: set an electric_user_id field on your table. If you do, then rows will only be synced if the value of that column matches the value of the authenticated user_id provided in your auth token.

This is a very temporary workaround and will be removed soon!

Failure modes

Currently, you may experience bugs or behaviour that leads to an inconsistent data state. This is not related to the core consistency model. It's a consequence of the lack of validation and some recovery modes still pending implementation.

In development, you can usually recover from these bugs by resetting your database(s). In the browser, if you clear localStorage and IndexedDB (for example, in Chrome, "Inspect" to open the developer tools -> Application -> Storage -> Clear site data) that will reset the client and your local app will re-sync from the server.

If you need to re-set your Postgres database, if you're using Docker Compose (such as with the starter template or examples) you can usually use something like yarn backend:down or docker compose -f backend/compose.yaml down --volumes. Alternatively, if you can't just nuke your whole database folder, you'll need to manually drop the objects created by Electric:

ALTER SUBSCRIPTION postgres_1 SET (slot_name = NONE);

DROP PUBLICATION electric_publication;

SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('electric_replication_out_test');

You can then recreate your database, e.g.:

dropdb -f intro
createdb -T template0 -E UTF-8 electric


  • run Electric to bootstrap the database
  • re-apply your migrations
  • re-generate your client

Keep an eye on electric-sql/electric/pulls for the latest bugfixes.

Fundamental limitations

ElectricSQL uses a rich-CRDT data model that allows building local-first applications without falling into common pitfalls of working with eventually consistent databases. However, you still need to follow certain constraints that can’t be verified or enforced automatically by ElectricSQL. The purpose of this section is to document these constraints and why they are required.

By understanding and acknowledging these constraints, you can leverage ElectricSQL more effectively in building robust local-first applications. Some of the limitations are temporary and are being addressed as part of our roadmap (see tags).

Uniqueness constraints

Primary keys need to be unique

In centralised databases, the creation of two rows with the same primary key causes one of the transactions to abort. In local-first applications, that conflict would only be detected after-the-fact, leaving the state of clients unreconcilable. In ElectricSQL, we require that each key can only be created by a single client at any point in time, ensuring that primary keys are unique (to their table -- rows in different tables can have the same primary key value).

To ensure that primary keys are unique, you can use:

  • UUIDs are typically a safe approach (be aware of limitation with some browsers and devices [REF])
  • Unique data about the client for generating the value safely. E.g., use the clientId in a composed primary-key.

No support SERIAL or SEQUENCE in Primary keys

If two user’s see the same sequence value, both will generate the same next value. Sequences don’t adhere to the global uniqueness requirement.


  • we intend to support sequential identifier generation through specialised support

No support for UNIQUE constraints

Unique constraints are subject to the same limitations of primary keys.


  • We disabled them as an initial simplification.

Primary keys are immutable

Changing primary keys after their creation could lead to undefined behaviour. e.g., if a client updates some columns of a row, and concurrently another client updates the primary key of that row, shall those changes me merged together or not?


  • Abort a transaction that modified a primary key of an electrified table, in SQLite and Postgres.

Foreign keys can only be defined on primary keys


  • Can be relaxed to support UNIQUE constraints

Data Integrity

Single-value CHECK constraints

Imagine that a table has a constraint that at most two out of three flags can be checked at any time (represented as boolean columns). Two transactions individually might enable two flags, but the result of merging these transactions can result in having the three flags checked.


  • We wil extend the type of CHECK constraints that we support, using rich-CRDTs


No support for triggers on SQLite

Any existing trigger in an Electrified table will not be propagated to the clients.. his is an initial simplification, while we design proper trigger support for ElectricSQL.


  • Once we unlock raw SQL support, we will add support for adding triggers SQLite to SQLite tables too
  • We are still working in proper trigger-firing rules

No conversion of triggers between Postgres and SQLite

The same trigger written for Postgres or SQLite end up having very different definitions and is difficult to convert between them.


Transitively replicate tables referred in foreign keys

Why: maintaining foreign key integrity requires write permissions on referred rows. We’re working under the simplification that a client is only able to modify a row with a foreign key if it has a copy of the referred row. We do this to maintain referential integrity (integrity example link), otherwise we would need to disable foreign key checks.


Currently, if a user tries to replicate a shape that does not include all reachable tables following the foreign key relations, an error is thrown. We are looking into solutions for optimising the amount of data that needs to be replicated into the client, while maintaining foreign keys and enforcing write permissions.