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ElectricSQL extends the PostgreSQL language with the following DDLX statements.

Use these in your migrations to electrify tables and expose data by granting permissions to roles and assigning roles to authenticated users.

Work in progress

The syntax and features described in this page are not fully implemented. Currently, DDLX rules are limited to enabling electrification. See Roadmap -> DDLX rules for more context.


Tables must be electrified to include them in the replication machinery.


Enables electric for a Postgres table. Aka "electrifies" the table.

ALTER TABLE table_name

Makes the table table_name in Postgres available to Electric. Once you have electrified a table you can expose data in it using the GRANT and ASSIGN statements below.


  • table_name - the name of an existing table


This will electrify the projects table.

ALTER TABLE projects


Removes a Postgres table from Electric. Aka "unelectrify" the table.

ALTER TABLE table_name

Removes the previously electrified table table_name from Electric.

The operation will fail if you have any roles, permissions or other rules defined on the table. It's your responsibility to remove those first before you unelectrify the table.


  • table_name - the name of an existing electrified table


This will disable replication for the projects table.

ALTER TABLE projects

Roles and permissions

All of Electric's permissions for users to read and write data are controlled through roles. First, permissions are granted to roles. Then roles are assigned to users.

See Usage -> Data modelling -> Permissions for more information.


Grants permissions to roles.

( column_name [, ...] )
[, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] ( column_name [, ...] )
| READ ( column_name [, ...] )
| WRITE ( column_name [, ...] )}
ON [ TABLE ] table_name [, ...]
TO role_name [, ...]
[ USING scope_path ]
[ CHECK ( check_expression )];

Grants ones of these four permissions on the table table_name to the role role_name:

  • SELECT - allows users to read the row
  • INSERT - allows users to create a new row
  • UPDATE - allows users to change the content of an existing row
  • DELETE - allows users to delete an existing row

For convienence you can also use ALL, READ, and WRITE as aliases for combinations of the four core permissions:

  • ALL is an alias for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  • READ is an alias for SELECT
  • WRITE is an alias for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

You can grant a permission on a whole table or only on specific columns by giving one or more column_name.

This is very similar to the standard PostgreSQL GRANT for tables, but extends the syntax to give more fine grained control over who can do what. These are the main differences:

  1. you can, optionally, define a scope in which the grant applies
  2. you can add a CHECK constraint to make permissions dependent on the content of rows
  3. the roles referred to are ElectricSQL specific role names rather than usual Postgres roles
  4. these roles are assigned to users with the ASSIGN statement below
  5. only four permissions (directly, or via their aliases) can be granted with this statement

The optional scope table scope_table_name may be the same table as table_name or another table. Using a scope lets you limit where this grant applies e.g. you can grant permissions on the content of a project to only admins of that specific project.

As well as role names you create, there are a couple of built in roles automatically provided by ElectricSQL:


Users have a set of roles. Every user will have the ANYONE role and authenticated users will have the AUTHENTICATED role.

If you add a CHECK clause, then when the permission is used the check_expression will be evaluated against any existing row and any data being written. If it evaluates as false then the operation will fail.

The check_expression also has the value auth.user_id in scope which will hold the user id of the current authenticated user. This can be used to validate that a column contains the current user id, which is very useful for having a reliable reference to the user who inserted a row.


If you have added additional claims to the authentication JWT then they can also be referenced in the check_expression. By convention, they should be added as a data claim, which is available at

This can be used to extend authorisation and provide additional discrimination between users that is not modelled in the data and hence not available to the ASSIGN mechanism. However, if possible, it is generally best to use ASSIGN rather than add complex extra claims to the JWT. This is because the state of the permissions via ASSIGN will be consistent with the contents of the database (i.e.: part of the same snapshot) whereas those in the JWT are tied to the lifecycle of the client's connection and are thus less responsive and not guaranteed to be consistent with the contents of the database.


  • column_name - you can provide one or more column names that this permission will apply to. If you don't give any column names then the grant applies to the whole table
  • table_name - the name of an existing electrified table table on which to grant the permission.
  • role_name - the name of a role that has been assigned to users with an ELECTRIC ASSIGN statement. Role names are strings enclosed in single quotes. For scoped roles this must be in the form 'scope_table:role'
  • scope_path - if there is any ambiguity about from where to read the id for the scope that a row belongs to then this can be used to specify it. If there is a single foreign key constraint in table_name pointing to the scope_table_name table then this can be inferred and is not necessary. If there is more than one foreign key pointing to the scope_table_name table then scope_path should be the name of the column in table_name to use. If there is no foreign key in the table table_name pointing directly to the scope_table_name table you can specify a path indicating where to find the foreign key by walking through intermediate foreign keys, there is an example below
  • check_expression - a sql expression that will be evaluated when the permission is used


Grant all permissions on the records table to the global role of 'admin'.

ON records
TO 'admin';

Grant read permissions on the whole records table and update permissions to just the name and description fields to the global 'reader' role.

ON records
TO 'reader';

ON records
TO 'reader';

This grant with a scope gives all permissions on the projects table to users who have the role admin for that project.

ON projects
TO 'projects:admin';

This grant lets users who have the role member in a project read the project's issues. Here project_id refers to a column on the issues table that is a foreign key pointing to a project.

ON issues
TO 'projects:member'
USING project_id;

This is similar to the grant above. It lets a project member read comments on issues in a project, but the comments table doesn't itself have a foreign key pointing to the project so the USING parameter provides a path to where to find it.

ON comments
TO 'projects:member'
USING issue_id/project_id;

Here an admin can add project members with any role to the project_members join table, but a member can only add people as member or guest. The CHECK statement limits what they can do.

ON project_members
TO 'projects:admin';

ON project_members
TO 'projects:member';

ON project_members
TO 'projects:member'
new.role_name = 'member'
OR new.role_name = 'guest'

Here any authenticated user can create a new project if they correctly set the owner_id of the new project to their user_id:

ON projects
new.owner_id = auth.user_id

If you include column names for reading data it will filter the column values in the rows that are synced to devices, sending nulls for the other columns.

ON issues
TO 'projects:member'
USING project_id;


Revokes previously granted permissions.

( column_name [, ...] )
[, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] ( column_name [, ...] )
| READ ( column_name [, ...] )
| WRITE ( column_name [, ...] )}
ON [ TABLE ] table_name [, ...]
FROM role_name [, ...];

You can specify one of these permissions:


Or you can use ALL, READ or WRITE as for GRANT above.


Like the native PostgreSQL version of GRANT there is a subtlety to revoking grants for columns that is worth noting. A whole row permission, granted by not specifying any column names is a separate permission from a collection of column specific permissions.

This means that if you have previously granted a whole row permission you cannot then revoke a single column, it would be a no-op. You would have to instead revoke the permission for the whole table and add back the permissions for the rows you do want.

Likewise, you can't revoke a column level permission by revoking access to the whole table. You need to issue revoke statement that matches the column spec of the previous grant.


  • column_name The names of the columns you want to remove this permission for.
  • table_name The name of the table you want to remove this permission for.
  • role_name The name of a role that you want to remove this permission from.


This shows the granting and revoking of permissions using matching GRANT and REVOKE statements. Note the change of keyword from TO to FROM.

ON projects
TO 'projects:admin';

ON projects
FROM 'projects:admin';

As ALL acts as an alias for all the other permissions this will result in global 'admin's having the INSERT, SELECT and UPDATE permissions on the table records.

ON records
TO 'admin';

ON records
FROM 'admin';

Whole row grants are different from individual column grants so removing a column will not affect the whole table grant. Here users with the global 'admin' role will still be able to update the name column. This is consistent with the standard behaviour for column specific grants in Postgres.

ON records
TO 'admin';

ON records
FROM 'admin';


Assigns a role to an authenticated user.

ELECTRIC ASSIGN role_definition
TO table_name.user_fk
[ USING scope_path ]
[ IF if_statement ];

Roles are not assigned to normal PostgreSQL database users. Instead, they are assigned to your application's authenticated end users by matching their auth.user_id with foreign keys in your data model.

Each assignment rule watches a table table_name that has a foreign key referencing your users table and assigns its role_definition to the user dynamically based on the database contents.

Basically, an assignment tells ElectricSQL where to read these roles from and who to give them to.

Role definitions

A role can either be global, one that applies to any data, or be scoped by a row in a table so that it applies only to data that has a relationship to that row. This allows you to define roles tied to rows in tables. For example, an 'admin' of a project, or a 'member' of a club.

The role can also either be static and explicitly given as a literal in the ASSIGN statement or dynamically read from a column in the table_name.

Static role definitions

These are string literals either with or without a scope table.

  • 'admin' - global admin role
  • 'projects:admin' - project admin role, scoped to the projects table
Dynamic role definitions

These specify a database column to read the role value from, using tuple syntax where necessary to specify a scope table.

  • users.role_name - read a global (unscoped) role name from the users.role_name column
  • (projects, memberships.role_name) - read the role name from the memberships.role_name column and then concatenate with the projects scope

In the first example above the global role assigned will be read from the column role_name in the table users. In the second example the scoped role is read from the column role_name in the table memberships and then concatenated with the projects scope. So, for example, if the memberships.role_name column contained the string 'admin' then the scoped role assigned would be equivalent to the literal 'projects:admin'.


You can always user the longer syntax for role definitions if you prefer or are writing them programmatically.

  • 'admin' can be written as (NULL, 'admin')
  • 'projects:admin' can be written as (projects, 'admin')
  • users.role_name can be written as (NULL, users.role_name)


  • role_definition - the definition of a role as described above
  • table_name - the name of an electrified table that holds the users foreign keys to assign roles to
  • user_fk - the name of the column holding the foreign key of the users to be assigned the role
  • scope_path - if there is any ambiguity about how to link from table_name to the scope_table_name, this can be used to specify the foreign key path. If there is a single foreign key constraint in table_name pointing to the scope_table_name table then this is not necessary, ElectricSQL will work out which column to use. If there is more than one foreign key pointing to the scope_table_name table then scope_path should be the name of the column in table_name to use. If there is no foreign key in the table table_name pointing directly to the scope_table_name table you can specify a path indicating where to find the foreign key by walking through intermediate foreign keys
  • if_statement - optionally add a statement that will be evaluated against the row in table_name. The assignment rule will only assign the role if it evaluates as true. This is useful to assign roles dependent on things like booleans or specific string values


Here users whose auth.user_id matches a value in the user_id column of any row in the admin_users table will be assigned a global 'admin' role.

TO admin_users.user_id;

Here users are assigned global roles by reading from the role column of the table user_roles.

ELECTRIC ASSIGN user_roles.role_name
TO user_roles.user_id;

Here users referred to by the column user_id in the join table project_members are assigned roles in the scope of the specific project.

TO project_members.user_id;

In this example above, project_members is assumed to have a unambiguous foreign key to the projects table. This allows ElectricSQL to assign the role to the correct project. I.e.: if you had the following entries in project_members:

postgres=> SELECT * FROM project_members;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------
user_id | 21ba776e-cced-46de-9bb7-631dc9043287
project_id | 059ddbfc-5765-433d-aa5a-49b6e2450edc
role | admin
-[ RECORD 2 ]------------------------------------
user_id | 8e98e683-5a97-48b7-862e-808baa5ebcea
project_id | 11ee554b-b5d6-44fe-9cbe-9f8c5bad6e68
role | admin

Then the user with ID 21ba776e-cced-46de-9bb7-631dc9043287 would be granted admin on the project with ID 059ddbfc-5765-433d-aa5a-49b6e2450edc but not on the project with ID 11ee554b-b5d6-44fe-9cbe-9f8c5bad6e68.

In the next example, explicitly named roles are assigned to users using different fields on the same table.

ELECTRIC ASSIGN 'deliveries:driver'
TO deliveries.driver_id;

ELECTRIC ASSIGN 'deliveries:customer'
TO deliveries.customer_id;

Here users referred to by the column user_id in the table user_permissions are assigned the global role record.reader if the flag can_read_records in the table user_permissions is true.

ELECTRIC ASSIGN 'record.reader'
TO user_permissions.user_id
IF ( can_read_records );

You can also use an IF statement to assign named roles to specific value matches on the table.

ELECTRIC ASSIGN 'record.reader'
TO record_permissions.user_id
IF ( role = 'reader' );


Removes a previously created assignment rule.

ELECTRIC UNASSIGN role_definition
FROM table_name.user_fk;

This will remove the assignment rule created by a previous matching call to ASSIGN. This will remove any roles from users that were assigned by the assignment rule that is being deleted.

Apart from the IF clause, an UNASSIGN statement must match its the corresponding ASSIGN statement exactly otherwise it will not work.


  • role_definition - the definition of a role as described above
  • table_name - the name of an electrified table to read the role assignment from
  • user_fk - the name of the column holding the foreign key of the users to remove the role from


UNASSIGN statements must match their corresponding ASSIGN statements.

ELECTRIC ASSIGN project_members.role
TO project_members.user_id;
ELECTRIC UNASSIGN project_members.role
FROM project_members.user_id;

ELECTRIC ASSIGN 'record.reader'
TO user_permissions.user_id
IF ( can_read_records );
ELECTRIC UNASSIGN 'record.reader'
FROM user_permissions.user_id;

Local migrations

The SQLITE statement provides a mechanism to run DDL statements directly on the local SQLite database.


Define SQL statements to run on the local embedded SQLite database.

ELECTRIC SQLITE 'sqlite_statements'

This will run the sqlite_statements on all clients without touching the central Postgres database. sqlite_statement can be any valid SQLite statement.

This allows you to propagate migrations to local devices and work around any mismatch in type or extension support between Postgres and SQLite. And you can create tables and other resources that exist only locally in SQLite and are not synchronised to Postgres.


  • sqlite_statement - a string holding a valid SQLite statements; seperate multiple statements with ; delimiters


'CREATE TABLE local_only (id TEXT primary key);'